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Describe endpoints

Retrieving a random beer

Let's take this endpoint as an example: ttps://

It returns something like this:

  "id": 1946,
  "uid": "2bfff819-80c4-4221-9151-cb3c32155e62",
  "brand": "Blue Moon",
  "name": "Chocolate St",
  "style": "Bock",
  "hop": "Warrior",
  "yeast": "3787 - Trappist High Gravity",
  "malts": "Vienna",
  "ibu": "95 IBU",
  "alcohol": "2.3%",
  "blg": "17.0°Blg"

We're going to create a namedtuple to hold the response values:

from collections import namedtuple

field_names = ["id", "uid", "brand", "name", "style", "hop", "yeast", "malts", "ibu", "alcohol", "blg"]
Beer = namedtuple("Beer", field_names, rename=True)

Now that we've modelled how the response look, we have to describe the endpoint:

from api_client_framework.requests import RequestsEndpoint
from api_client_framework.requests import Methods
from api_client_framework.parsers import NamedTupleParser
from examples.random_data_api.models import Beer

class BeerDetailEndpoint(RequestsEndpoint):
    method = Methods.GET
    url = ""
    params = {"response_type": "json"}
    parser_class = NamedTupleParser
    models = {"response": NamedTupleParser(Beer)}

Retrieving a list of beers

To receive a list of beers instead, we can use the same endpoint, but passing a query param indicating how many beers we want to receive (i.e. size=10).

We also need to tell our parser that we're going to receive many objects instead of one.

from api_client_framework.requests import RequestsEndpoint
from api_client_framework.requests import Methods
from api_client_framework.parsers import NamedTupleParser
from examples.random_data_api.models import Beer

class BeerListEndpoint(RequestsEndpoint):
    method = Methods.GET
    url = ""
    params = {"response_type": "json"}
    models = {"response": NamedTupleParser(model=Beer, many=True)}

    def __init__(self, size: int):
        self.params["size"] = size